Husbands in Goa is a 2012 Malayalam-language comedy film directed by Saji Surendran and written by Krishna Poojapura, starring Jayasurya, Indrajith, Lal, Asif Ali, Rima Kallingal, Bhama, Remya Nambeesan and Praveena. The film follows the journey of three young men, who flee from their wives, for a vacation to the international tourist-destination Goa. During the trip, they become friends with an immature youthful older man, who is on the verge of a divorce. The film explores their time in Goa, the people they meet and a turn of events occur when they encounter their wives.[2] The film is the second production of UTV Motion Pictures in Malayalam cinema. It features music composed by M. G. Sreekumar, whilst cinematography is handled by Anil Nair and is edited by Manoj. Husbands in Goa debuted at the Kerala box office with a gross of 3.07 crores Rs its opening weekend