Due to an unfortunate event, Shanthanu leaves home and resides in the outskirts of the city named Ashramam Veedu. During the stay period, there is a twist of fate in Shanthanu’s life as he encounters a chain of mysterious events. A son, his father and his grandfather lead a happy life in a village in […]
Meera Vasudevan Movies
916916 as the name suggests[citation needed] focuses mainly on the relationship between a single father, Dr. Harikrishnan(Anoop Menon), and his 12th grade daughter Meera(Malavika Menon). It narrates the events of two closely knit families losing their balance; Harikrishnan’s, and Dr. Ramesh’s (Mukesh), his wife(Meera Vasudev) and their two children. While Dr. Harikrishnan is an altruist […]
- GenresDrama
- CastAsif Ali, Malavika Menon, Meera Vasudevan